My Weds:
Up at 6am...
...get the kids ready and out the door to school by 7:40am and 8am... to the office for a 9am conference call...
..stare at a computer all day -- too much to do!...
...need fresh air!
3pm coffee with Sandra (quick walk & talk)...
...potential movie night in the works.
FB chat with new girl who I met over the holidays (still thinking of a name for her)... ...joined me for a double feature...
pint of Guinness and chill for a few w/ Doug Benson... girl...
"Wild At Heart"... Bananas!!!
Hang briefly with Laura Dern and David Lynch -- HOLY SHIT!
"True Romance" while sipping Bourbon & Cherry Coke w/ Popcorn (this can't be healthy)... but sure is fun!...
Surprise make-out sess at 1am... oh, shit - she reads my blog... translations, she's probably reading this ;)... need to consider blogging/dating ramifications...
As my UK gals would say... sniff!
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